Monograph published on the recommendation of the ACoFSSI “Institute of natural and technical systems»:
- Evstigneed V.P., Naumova V.A., Voskresenskaya E.N., Evstigneev M.P., Lyubarets E.P. Wind-wave conditions of the coastal zone of the Azov-black sea region.
- Gayskiy V.A., Gayskiy P.V. Promising technology temperature measurements in the sea. Part 1. Use of point sensors (25.12.2017 g.).
- Gayskiy V.A., Gayskiy P.V. Use of distributed sensors for temperature measurements in the sea.
- Krasnodubets L.A. Marine observation systems with mobile data acquisition platforms.
- Gayskiy V.A., Gayskiy P.V. Selected issues of marine measurement information technology.
- Grekov N.A., Grekov A.N., Sychov E.N. Medium-frequency acoustic methods and tools for the study of the aquatic environment.
- Polonsky A.B. Climate change: myths and reality.
Monographs published with the support of the ACoFSSI “Institute of natural and technical systems»:
- Polonsky A.B. The Ocean’s Role in Climate Change.
- Shishkin U.E., Skatkov A.V. Information technologies of anomaly detection in monitoring observations.