A.N. Grekov1,2, Y.E. Shishkin1, S.S. Peliushenko1, A.S. Mavrin1,2
1Institute of Natural and Technical Systems, RF, Sevastopol, Lenin St., 28
2Sevastopol State University, RF, Sevastopol, Universitetskaya St., 33
E-mail: iurii.e.shishkin@gmail.com
DOI: 10.33075/2220-5861-2021-3-107-118
UDC 681.3
In recent years, technological development and a fast rate of population growth have led to an increase in anthropogenic pressure and the level of human resource use, resulting in climatic changes. This has caused significant negative trends in the state of the natural environment, hydrosphere and atmosphere. Surface water bodies like rivers, lakes, seas and oceans are some of the key backbone elements.
In fact, there is currently no continuous monitoring of water bodies, which would reveal changes in their physico-chemical parameters and areas. To carry out such monitoring, it is proposed to use an unmanned surface robot.
In our work, we investigate an algorithm for constructing maps for the autopilot of a surface robot based on satellite images of the terrain using computer vision methods.
The solution to similar problems has been considered by many authors. They proposed several methods for detecting water bodies, such as multispectral index methods, morphological methods, and others. Also, for the implementation of the method for detecting the boundaries of water bodies in the image, there are many different algorithms that have different efficiency for different target tasks.
In our article, we propose an algorithm and a program for detecting the boundaries of water bodies for the autopilot module of a surface robot. A method for detecting water objects on satellite maps by the method of finding a color in the HSV color space, using erosion, dilation – methods of digital image filtering is applied. The following operators for constructing contours on the image are investigated: the Sobel, Roberts, Prewitt operators, and from them, the one that detects the boundary more accurately is selected for this module. An algorithm for calculating the GPS coordinates of the contours is created. The proposed algorithm allows saving the result in a format suitable for the surface robot autopilot module.
Keywords: Water bodies, satellite maps, boundaries detection, environmental control, erosion, dilatation, Sobel, Roberts, Prewitt operators, GPS coordinates.
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