Application of the YOLOV5 model for the detection of micro-objects in the marine environment

A.N. Grekov1,2, Y.E. Shishkin1, S.S. Peliushenko1, A.S. Mavrin1,2

1Institute of Natural and Technical Systems, RF, Sevastopol, Lenin St., 28

2Sevastopol State University, RF, Sevastopol, Universitetskaya St., 33


DOI: 10.33075/2220-5861-2022-4-112-122

UDC 681.3                                                   


   In modern science, machine vision is one of the most promising methods for automating the processes of analyzing data from visual monitoring of the marine environment. Over the past decade, great progress has been made in the field of real-time object detection in photo and video images through the development of single-stage neural network algorithms and high-performance GPUs for their practical application. Microobject detection is considered as a computer vision method that is used to locate and identify microplankton and microplastic objects in situ.

   The article presents the results of research on the application of the YOLOV5 machine learning model to solve the problem of automated detection and recognition of micro-objects in the marine environment. Numerical metrics for assessing the quality of image recognition, accuracy and recall are selected. These loss estimation functions were used when setting up the recognition model, during training and for its validation. The convergence of the obtained solutions was estimated depending on the number of iterations during training and the size of the training sample. The training and validation of the model was carried out on a specially prepared database of real images containing microplankton and microplastic samples. The results of experiments using a trained algorithm for finding micro-objects in photo and video images in real time are presented. Experimental studies have shown a high reliability of the results obtained by the model, comparable to manual recognition.

Keywords: machine learning, marine environment, YOLOV5, microplastics, microplankton, real-time recognition.

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