Monitoring of mineral nitrogen concentration as a possible factor of influence on the results of valvometry of mussel kept in non-flow conditions with food deficiency

I.I. Kazankova1, M.M. Bayrite2 

1Institute of Natural and Technical Systems, RF, Sevastopol, Lenin St., 28


2The A.O. Kovalevsky Institute of Biology of the Southern Seas of  RAS,

RF, Sevastopol, Nachimov Av., 2

DOI: 10.33075/2220-5861-2021-2-81-87

UDC 574.24:504.064.36


   We investigated changes in the content of mineral forms of nitrogen formed as a result of mussel vital activity in non-flow conditions under favorable temperature and aeration, but with food deficiency, as a possible factor influencing mussel flap movement and valvometry results. A laboratory 11-day experiment was carried out with mussels 24–26 mm long. The dry weight of their soft tissues was about 35 mg. The experiment consisted of five exposures lasting 17-67 h. The mussels were kept in 3-liter vessels with 3 individuals in each, feeding only on the natural food available in this volume of water. In parallel, vessels with aerated water without mussels in them were exposed. Ammonium, nitrite, and nitrate concentrations were measured at the beginning (i.e., in fresh seawater from the Sevastopol coastal zone) and at the end of each exposure.

   It was determined that, compared to the initial level at the end of the exposures, on average, the content of ammonium in vessels with mussels increased by 250%, nitrite – by 25%, and nitrate – did not change. In vessels without mussels, the content of ammonium, on average, decreased by 250 %, changes in the level of nitrite and nitrate corresponded to changes in the concentration of these nitrogen forms in vessels with mussels. The greatest variability was characteristic of the final values of ammonium concentration, in some exposures it could increase by 700 %. However, the maximum value of ammonium content during the experiment reached only 21, 7 μg N/l, which is two orders of magnitude lower than its MPC level for marine fishery objects. It follows from the obtained data that in experiments with mussels kept in non-flow conditions with food deficiency, the probability of the effect of ammonium excreted by them, as well as of products of its further biological oxidation on valvometry results is not high.

Keywords: valvometry, biosensor mollusks, Mytilus galloprovincialis, ammonium, nitrites, nitrates, food deficiency.

To quote: Kazankova, I.I., and M.M. Bayrite. “Monitoring of Mineral Nitrogen Concentration as a Possible Factor of Influence on the Results of Valvometry of Mussel Kept in Non-Flow Conditions with Food Deficiency.” Monitoring Systems of Environment no. 2 (June 24, 2021): 81–87. doi:10.33075/2220-5861-2021-2-81-87.

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