Issue 35


Methods and devices for measuring environmental parameters
P.V. Gaisky. Technical aspects of realization of the automated system of biomonitoring on the basis of mollusks 5
M.V. Volkodaeva, V.A. Kuznetsov, A.V. Kiselev. On the feasibility of introduction of gas chromatography in the system of ecological monitoring of atmospheric air in St. Petersburg 14
A.N. Timofeev. Device for studing the degree of precipitation of dust particles of atmospheric air near car roads 23
Information technologies and management in environmental control systems
A.V. Skatkov, A.A. Bryukhovetskiy, Y.E. Shishkin. Intelligent technology development of anomalie detection in the ecosystem of Sevastopol water area 27
L.A. Krasnodubets,  L.N. Kanov. Mechatronic system of buoyancy control of a sea autonomous profiler 35
Y.E. Shishkin, A.V. Skatkov. Increasing the reliability of risk assessments in the monitoring processes described by general distributions 41
Monitoring of the environment
P.D. Lomakin,  A.A. Chepyzhenko. Hydrophysical conditions and characteristics of water pollution of the Kazachya Bay (Crimea region) in September of the year 2018 48
O.V. Mashukova, E.N. Skuratovskaya, J.B. Shilova. Biophysical and biochemical techniques in monitoring the coastal waters of Sevastopol (Black Sea) 55
Climate research
A.B. Polonsky, E.A. Grebneva. About long-period variability of value pH in the deep-sea part of the Black Sea 63
Monitoring of biological systems
O.V. Marchukova, E.N. Voskresenskaya. The combination of different La-Nina types of and Pacific Decadal Oscillation 72
A.V. Melnik, V.V. Melnikov, A.N.Serebrennikov, L.A.Melnik, O.V.Mashukova. Biooceanographic characteristics of the bioluminescence fields in the Sevastopol coastal waters: results of long-term monitoring 79
S.A. Kovardakov.Dynamics of structural characteristics of Cystoseira crinita populations in the coastal recreational zone of the Black Sea 88
T.N. Klimova, V.V. Melnikov, A.N. Serebrennikov, P.S.Podrezova, M.S. Ryzhilov. Patterns of species diversity and distribution of ichthyoplankton off the Crimean coast in July-August 2017 97
L.V. Stelmakh. Effect of phytoplankton adaptation on the distribution of its biomass and chlorophyll-a concentration in the surface layer of the Black Sea 106
S.A. Seregin, E.V. Popova. Abundance, species composition and spatial distribution of metazoan microzooplankton in the coastal area Black and Azov Seas of the region of crimea in autumn 2016 115
Environmental management
A.N. Beshentsev, D.G. Budaeva, E.D. Sanzheev, A.A. Lubsanov, T.A. Borisova, E.A. Batotsyrenov. Tourist and recreational information space: essence, structure, mapping 123
V.L. Yarysh, G.E. Yarysh. Aspects of oak-tree planting reforestation on protected natural reserve 130
N. Sibirtsova, I.V. Agarkova-Lyakh. The method of studying microplastics pollution in the beach and bottom sediments of different granulometric composition 136
Alphabetical index of authors 155
