Methods and devices for measuring environmental parameters |
L.R. Grigoryan, N.M. Bogatov, A.L. Grigoryan, V.V. Anisimova. Practice of building recorders geophysical signals |
5 |
S.A. Sholar, O.A. Stepanova, L.V. Stelmach.The use of experimental laboratory stand for the study of optical properties of the aquatic medium in the presence of microbiota |
13 |
A.N. Grekov, N.A. Grekov, E.N. Sychov, K.A. Kuzmin. Development of in situ acoustic instruments for the aquatic environment study |
22 |
Information technologies and management in environmental control systems |
B.A. Skorohod, A.V. Statsenko, S.I. Fateev. Preprocessing and algorithms selection key points in the problem of simultaneous 3d reconstruction of underwater objects and constructing the camera movement |
30 |
Y.E. Shishkin, A.V. Skatkov. Intelligent system for adaptive selection of scenarios for parametric monitoring data divergence detection |
37 |
A.M. Lyakh. Unique semantic numbers of biological collection items for databases |
43 |
Monitoring of the environment |
D. Lomakin. Evaluation of the possibility of using of links between optical satellite data for content analysis of dissolved organic substance in the Kerch Strait |
51 |
N.A. Andreeva, Е.А. Grebneva. Influence of hydro-hydrochemical factors on on the biodiversity of phytoplankton in the coastal aquatoria Black Sea with enhanced an-thropogenous pollution |
58 |
A.B. Polonsky, A.N. Serebrennikov. About low-frequency change of wind fields and geostrophic flows of the Black Sea on satellite data. Part 1: Season cycle |
64 |
Climate research |
A.S. Lubkov, O.V. Marchukova, E.N. Voskresenskay. Temperature anomalies in europe during the cold period of the year due to ENSO |
73 |
A.A. Stefanovich, E.N. Voskresenskaya. Bioclimatic assessment of the comfort recreational conditions of Crimea |
81 |
A.B. Polonsky, A.V. Torbinsky. Critical layer in equatorial-tropical zone and Indian Ocean dipole |
88 |
Monitoring of biological systems |
L.V. Stelmakh, O.A. Stepanova. Influence of virus infection on the growth of green algae Tetraselmis viridis in culture |
93 |
A.V. Melnik, Ju.B. Belogurova. Seasonal variability of the bioluminescence field off the coastal area of the Caucasus in the period of 2018 |
100 |
A.M. Ostrovsky. Fauna and distribution of woodlice (Crustacea: Isopoda: Oniscidea) in the city of Gomel |
107 |
Environmental management |
O.V. Samsonova, G.A. Sigora, V.V. Sevrikov, L.A. Nichkova, I.V. Sevrikov. Influence of environment on respiratory system infection rate among population of seaboard and continental regions |
117 |
R.Yu. Zakharov, N.E. Volkova. Environmental assessment of possibility of use of purified effluents of sewage treatment plant of the settlement Sovetsky for irrigation purposes |
126 |
V.G. Scherbina. Dynamics of vital condition of tree stand of oak formation in the recreational zone of the Sochi region |
135 |
S.A. Gutnik, V.S. Gutnik, L.A. Nichkova. Estimation of traffic noise parameters along the road Sevastopol – Yalta – Simferopol |
142 |
Alphabetical index of authors |
146 |